Monday, 19 January 2009

Writing a blog post

Having set myself the challenge of writing a post on here every day, I am finding this to be quite daunting. So far I have managed to find something to write about most days and been happy to tap away at the keyboard of my laptop. I am not expecting anyone to read these posts or make any comments on them, although that would be nice.

I am finding this to be both liberating and difficult. It is liberating because I can write whatever I like and believing nobody will look at my writing makes it more so as I would feel anxious if I thought there might be other eyes on this. It is difficult as I am never sure about the content of the posting and have no idea about the topic until I click on Create Posting.

I did jot down a list of subjects after my challenge that I could write about over the weeks and as yet have not looked at the list again. I can see that I will be reading it for ideas in the days ahead once I decide I am running out of spontaneous writing. Or maybe I will always find something to type regardless of my feelings prior to opening my blog.

The main reason I challenged myself to write every day is that I have always avoided writing before as I have a limiting belief that I can not write. I studied mathematics for my degree, not just because I really like working with abstract ideas and numbers which I do like, but also because there was a minimum of writing involved. In many ways this is debilitating as I have refrained from applying for work where I perceived there would be more than small amounts of writing as part of the work. In this way I have misse out on amny opportunities to work in interesting fields and to make a career in any sense.

I read The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron a few years back and tried the journal writing for 10 minutes every morning. Needless to say I stopped after a few days, even though the idea was to write whatever came into my head, no worry about other reading it, no need for good grammar, just to let it flow. Not much flowed. I think I tried too hard. So now I am just letting it flow within constraints of a loose subject or post title and this works much better.

I am proud of myself for having come this far on my 18th day of posting something on the blog. There is hope for me yet!

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