Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Loose Ends

I have completed one of the hats I am knitting for hubby. The loose ends had to be woven into the fabric and disappear. I now have to finish the other hat which only needs maybe a dozen rows at the top completed. And the loose ends sewn in! Although that's not really true.

I have already woven in all the ends on this hat as I finished it last weekend. I used a new decreasing for the top method and feel the hat needs some extra rows in the top as it came out a bit tight. So I have undone two thirds of the top for reknitting.

Yet another project with loose ends is the weaving I talked about before. So far I have woven 3 inches. It has been sitting on the table since then. In some ways I am reluctant to work on it as the loom looks so nice warped and ready with the full shuttles lying underneath it. And I am a perfectionist, wanting the edges to be straight with no draw-in. I will just decide to go for it one day soon and whip it off. Just need to psyche myself up to do it and accept how it comes out. With some care taken in the weaving anyway.

This all makes me think of life. There are many loose ends in our lives, some that we can weave away neatly and quickly, some that hang around for a long time. We hang on to some ends for longer than we ought to because the ends are comfortable. We know them so well that we are afraid to let them go, even when our inner voice tells us it is time to drop them.

Some ends are elusive, hiding or slipping away just as we stoop to pick them up. These ends are afraid of us weaving them in so they avoid completion, deny connections. With these ends we sometimes have to turn our backs on them and let them come to us when they are ready.

There will always be loose ends in our lives, no matter how many we have woven in or tied off. They creep up on us or jump right out and hit us on the nose. Yet what would life be like without any loose ends? Can you imagine going through your life, endless? Enjoy your loose ends, no matter what type they are. Nurture them, see them for the magnificent ends they are, be grateful they are there.

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