Sunday, 4 January 2009

New Year - Is this time to start a journal?

Keeping a journal has long been one of those 'one day I'll do that' items on my list. Having access to a blog page makes me wonder if now is the time to start. After all, it is not necessary to write every day, especially when it seems as though nothing much is happening from one day to the next. But is this a truth? Can I really say that nothing happens during the course of any day? As some one who has long professed to being a non-writer, perhaps I deliberately ignore happenings so I don't have anything to write about.

So, this then is my New Year Resolution number 1. To find something in each day that I will write about, no matter how small, or how little I write. But hang on a minute I say to myself. This is the 4th of January - what happened to the first 3 days of the year? My answer is that I allowed myself those days to ponder the sense and feasibility of setting myself this challenge given my normal reaction to any mention of writing - run and let someone else do it.

Since taking a course in Neuro-Linguistic Programming I have realised that my long-held belief that I am no good at writing stems from a buried memory of a school teacher slamming my workbook on the desk and telling me that what I had written was a load of rubbish! What a disasterous thing to tell a young child. I have spent most of my life since then avoiding as much as possible anything that involves writing. Now I am aware of the reason for my reticence I can work on reversing the limiting belief, and this blog is the start of my awakening ability.

So I will set myself the challenge to write evey day on here for this year. I allow myself to miss an occasional day when travelling, as long as I have recorded the missed day and reasons in the previous days post.Let the challenge begin!

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