Saturday, 17 January 2009

Costa Rica Webinar

This is a short posting as I have been listening to the wonderful speakers on the Costa Rica Webinar, running from 10 am today for 24 hours. I have picked up some great information in notes I have been making from essential listening skills to transformative sharing.

There are fewer speakers during the night so I will be going to bed at my normal time and getting up early to listen to Fred Johnson with his Accessing Power for Personal Transformation session at 5:15 am. Fred Johnson is a sound sculpturor who uses music to help people on their spiritual paths.

As far as I jnow, all the speakers sessions are recorded and will be available for viewing on the internet. I hope there will be many more people watching the recordings and donating to the earthquake fund in the coming week. I will report on the availability of the recording as soon as I know where they can be found.

So I am going back to listen to the current speaker and intend to write more tomorrow.

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