Saturday, 31 January 2009

28 Minutes to Change

Last week I was listening to a webinar about using a 28 minute meditation mp3 to change the way I think about success. That is, I will become successful if I use the meditation every day for at least 28 days. I downloaded the mp3 and have been using it every night when I go to bed for a week.

I hadn't thought about it before. On Friday I was shovelling snow, as you know, and while doing it my mind was turning over an idea I have had for a while. This is for setting up a business. I have been reluctant to start before because I had the usual thoughts going round my head. I'm not good enough, I can't do it, It won't work etc etc.

On Friday I decoded I COULD do this, and I WOULD do this. I went indoors, thought a bit more, then told hubby what I was going to do. He wanted to know where this had all come from, as I had never told him about my idea before. He was surprised I was so certain about the idea, and questioned me about it. What did I know about it? How would I do it? What about marketing? Costs? Niche?

Well, I hadn't thought about all those questions - I was just so confident about doing it, and still am. So I have some good questions to answer and integrate into my idea. That is what I will be doing for the next week alongside all the normal daily chores and listening to hubby's ideas for a citizen journalist site he wants to start.

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