Monday, 9 February 2009

Weaving done

I finished the weaving this morning and removed from the loom. I have enough yarn left on the shuttle to make a ball to take with me for crocheting round the edge when I make my poncho. It will have to wait until I get back to England now.

I had kept enough if the silk thread to warp a 3 inch scarf. I dedcided to warp a 3 inch scarf with red chenille and use the silk for the weft. What a good choice! I have woven the scarf this afternoon and evening (in between doing chores, going to the store, making tea, washing up). I have finished it , taken it off the loom and packed the loom away ready to give to S tomorrw when she comes over.

S and are coming round for supper. I'm hoping S will bring her violin so we can have a last usic session before I leave. I'm sure she will, as she loves playing as much as I do. I will be making a thick lentil soup, fresh bread and gingerbread for supper and S will bring something nice too.

I changed the bedding today so that's done for L. I have also left about 8 loaves of bread in the freezer, along with lots of cooked meats. He should be OK food wise for a while!

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