Saturday, 28 February 2009

Men and babies

My weekend of lust and passion did not happen. I had thought it was going too quickly and too well. My beau postponed his visit this weekend as his father, who has cancer, had a bad spell overnight and needed D today as well. This is fine. I would rather D stayed home with his father at this difficult time than made the trip here, then worried he could not get back if anything happened. We can get together another time and will continue talking on Skype to become more familiar with each other. By the time we meet, we will know each other so well.

My granddaughter has been having a bad evening. She woke up around 9 pm for a feed and did not go back to sleep. She seems to be hungry all the time, and wants food every hour. We thought she had gone to sleep at 1:30, so she was put in her moses basket and we all prepared for bed. 20 minutes later she was awake and crying again. Eventually she will go to sleep and by then we will all be so tired and snappy.

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