Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Of course, there are some problems!

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel that your age is going against you? And causing you to question your adaptability? At the moment that is how I feel about finding work.

I finished a contracted research position in London at the end of September. Now, I am looking for that elusive something to fill in the gaps in my bank balance. I know. I am a life coach. I can coach myself to get out there and do something fantastic. But there are times when the sheer terror of it all becomes a bit overwhelming. And I had one of those times yesterday. All over doing nothing at all.

I found a local chemist that was advertising in the store for assistants. A simple enough job. I went inside to ask about the position and found myself wandering around, pretending to look at the shelves. What was going on here? I left the store without talking to anyone.

I went home and thought about this. I realised that I felt that I couldn't work in a place so full of people all the time. And to talk to others all day, what a nightmare! It has been a very long time since I did any retail work. Most of my life since has been spent working either on my own or with one other person. So here I was questioning my adaptability to be in an environment that was so alien to me.

So, what did I do? Let my insecurity win? Not at all. Today I called up the store and put in an appllication for the job. I am not concerned about working there any more. I went through an NLP technique to reverse my inadequate feelings about this situation and now I feel great.

If I get the job I will be fine and do a great job. Plus, being in a place where I get to talk with many people, I can put some of my coaching and NLP skills into practice at those times when I can help someone feel better about themselves.